With the never-ending saga of Headington traffic and the closure of the Territorial Army barracks at the Slade, could we not look at the two and come up with a park-and-ride system on the old TA site for hospital workers and visitors?

A shuttle service by minibus every few minutes would leave many more spaces for others coming into Oxford from the Botley, Kidlington and Abingdon areas.

Sad as it is to lose another bit of Oxford's history, the TA centre needs houses like a hole in the head. We haven't enough facilities for any more people moving into this part of the city.

With so many family houses being made into multi-occupancy dwellings, the traffic situation is becoming intolerable.

The other major reason for so much traffic is the continual use of the car for short journeys, especially to and from school.

Get the children walking!

When I, and many of my generation, went to school, we walked up to three miles a day.

It was good for us all and so would be for the children of today.

All you need to do is get up a bit earlier!

MARY STIFF Corunna Crescent Cowley Oxford