A FORMER county cricket star who suffered a serious head injury in an attack on Magdalen Bridge 10 days ago has been allowed home from hospital.

Patrick Jobson was assaulted at about 1.10am on Sunday, August 19.

The 45-year-old only left Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital on Wednesday.

The batsman represented the county and captained Oxford Cricket Club.

A friend told the Oxford Mail: “He is on the mend. He should be fine.

“It was a pretty serious blow, he is just getting his senses back. He is communicating fine.”

He was walking with friends towards Cowley at the time of the altercation.

The attacker is described as an Afro Caribbean man in his 30s with shoulder-length dreadlocks.

He was wearing dark clothes, was between 5ft 9ins and 6ft 2ins tall and had one red braid in his hair by his ear.

Thames Valley Police were last night still investigating the incident.

Police spokesman Leo Tarring said: “No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.”

Anyone with information should call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.