WHAT a great letter from Lewis Frances (Oxford Mail, August 14). Are you tired from all that walking and cycling, Mr Frances? The two yawns in your letter were a bit of a giveaway. Come on, give yourself a break by using that car and motorbike you boasted about.

You asked me how much space I needed to walk in Queen Street? I will answer this question with another: how many more of our public footpaths and pedestrian areas do cyclists want to ride on?

I am aware of the river path you mention in your letter from Rose Hill. I always thought it was illegal to cycle on the Thames towpath. When did this law change?

And don’t even get me started on multi-culturism, Mr Frances. I could write a book on its highs and lows. These people are protected under human rights laws, racism laws and, no doubt, on ‘Uncle Tom Cobbly and all’ law. So let’s just leave it at that!

I am pleased, though, that you use your pushbike for business in and around Oxford. I expect Oxford city councillors will be visiting you soon with an award.

Unfortunately I do not own a bicycle. Such a mode of transport I have found to be totally unsuitable for shopping in Oxford. It’s no good for transporting a microwave or bookcase back home. Even the high cost of parking could not deter me from using my car.

And don’t forget to get some rest Mr Frances – no more yawns please!

CHRIS BOSWELL, Riverside Court, Oxford