Sir – Dr Atkinson (Letters, August 23) bizarrely seems to claim that the Tories were in power up to and including 1999.

He then claims that the “last” Labour Government transformed the NHS, yet I experienced the daunting reality of two-year waiting lists for hip replacements — including six-month waiting lists just to see an orthopaedic consultant — fully four years after Labour came to power. He also claims the NHS is doing “a great job now”, after Labour's investment. That is not how I would describe the chronic understaffing, especially in geriatric and oncology wards, where I have found patients abandoned and in considerable distress, on commodes — or in soiled bed clothing — for hours on end in the most modern of modern hospitals. Worse, only two doctors to cover an entire hospital overnight, with one doctor walking out on me and a patient in distress because her shift had ended. The NHS may be doing better but it certainly is not doing great in certain respects, including access to GPs and dentists, in my experience.

Keith Dancey, Upper Wolvercote