Sir – The parking problems in the Cutteslowe Park area were discussed at a meeting, on August 20, in the Cutteslowe pavilion. It was organised by Mr John Goddard, Ms Jean Fooks and Mr Mike Gotch, local councillors and Mr David Tole, the county council principal engineer for traffic and safety improvements.

Two critical problems emerged. First, the problem of Oxford commuters who leave cars parked all day in side streets like Five Mile Drive.

Second, the hazards which have emerged, especially in Harbord Road where people park to avoid paying the recently introduced parking charges in Cutteslowe Park.

The commuter problem is common to all cities where people work in the centre and will not be easily solved. However, some immediate action is needed to help the residents of Five Mile Drive, especially in days when there is a funeral in the adjoining Wolvercote Cemetery.

An even more immediate call for action is Harbord Road where: 1: There is danger to the children, when parents park on the road just outside Cutteslowe Park (to avoid parking fees) and 2: There is congestion when heavy Oxford Parks works vehicles (based in Cutteslowe Park) are faced with a double-parked road when exiting or entering. We hope the county, city and local councillors can act on these concerns very soon.

Joseph Boyle and Linda Boyle, Oxford