HOT weather is forecast for next weekend and reaching 26C by the middle of the following week (September 5) and only falling to 18C on some nights.

At least that is the story according to the BBC website.

But institutional plans laid down in the dim recesses of time dictate that Abingdon’s outdoor swimming pool at Abbey Meadow will close at the weekend.

The pool has been much more popular this year, despite the weather, especially now it is free to under 16s – a splendid venture by pool operators SOLL Leisure.

I feel sure it would please many if the plans could be relaxed from their traditional rigidity so Abbey Meadow Pool might stay open for another week. Otherwise for our Olympic legacy we will have to travel to Hinksey Pool in Oxford (open until the end of September) or else swim indoors. How sad!

If readers want the pool to stay open longer, please contact SOLL Leisure and Vale of White Horse District Council , or your friendly local councillor, and tell them your views.

But please do it soon or you will be too late to have any effect.


South Avenue
