ADRIAN Taylor’s comments that borders should close, (View Points, August 23) is quite right.

Why the floodgates have been open to mass immigration is baffling.

Like a goldfish bowl with one goldfish swimming happily, add more fish and the quality of the fish’s life suffers.

One of the nicest chaps I ever worked with was a Polish World War II veteran.

However, bona fide reasons for migrants coming here after the Second Word War, has sadly given way to a different type of migrant.

Great Britain has a history of welcoming all types of people to our country, but the controlled and sensible manner of previous years has given way to an enormous influx, resulting in a flooding of our factories, benefits system, NHS, and as a result, reducing housing availability.

The old chestnut that “British workers don’t want the work” doesn’t hold sway either.

There’s a small percentage in most countries worldwide who don’t want work.

Furthermore, politicians in the past have said: “Migrant workers boost our economy.”

Well hang on a minute we’re in a double-dip recession. Maybe the banks are to blame for our economic situation, but the aforementioned politicians’ statement was ‘spin’ at its most deceiving.

Most British people realise the country is fit to burst. Just how many more can the Government blatantly shoehorn into our comparatively tiny island?


Moorland Road
