I THINK David Diment is the only one in this country who does not want capital punishment brought back (View Points, August 28).

I was for the abolition of the death penalty when it was first introduced as long prison sentences would replace it.

But these days they are not so long.

Shootings, stabbings are par for the course these days.

We used to say: “It’s like America” when I was at school.

Of course ‘care in the community’ was the watchword then, and probably still is.

We used to have Littlemore asylum which was to keep them and us safe – and it worked.

Yes a return to the old days is what is required.

As for his assertion that national service is a good thing – I’ve got mixed feelings about that.

That would put national servicemen in danger over in Afghanistan and I’m sure he does not want that.

I look for letters by Chris Boswell (where have you been?) never malicious, always good humoured.

The school holidays are nearly over, peace at last, then comes Christmas. Gulp!


Upper Road
