THE tragic loss of Tony Nicklinson whose brilliant mind was functioning well up to the moment of his demise, must be felt deeply by his family and friends.

Tony used all the resources available to him to prove his intelligence which unfortunately, in spite of the care of his loving family, he used to prove the case that his life was not worth living.

Tony was a very sick man and only intensive care kept him alive.

After receiving the judge’s refusal to give doctors permission to kill him, he made a tearful protest on TV, breathing with difficulty with the signs of the pneumonia which after a few days of not eating and probably neglecting fluids, was enough to kill him in his weak state.

His doctor’s treatment was such that he did not strive officiously to keep him alive. Tony died from natural causes.

He was conscious enough to send the world a humorous farewell.

Only his family will know the relief of not being associated with a deliberate act of murder of a member of their family.

Such is the wonder of natural death in the loving presence of his family.

How horrible it would have been if any doctor had been allowed to kill him at his request.

Tony was an atheist, I pray that he has awakened now to God’s compassion, for his mercy is endless.

ALBA THORNING York Road Headington, Oxford