Sir – In response to Mr Robertshaw’s letter on immigration it is important to debate social issues such as immigration and for debates to be balanced.

In that spirit, I would like to offer another perspective. The impact of immigration should not be assumed to be negative. Research by the Centre for Economic Policy suggests that, overall, migrants contribute more to the UK economy than they receive in benefits.

Various Government studies over recent years have reached similar conclusions. Furthermore, under international law, the UK, as a member of the European Union, cannot stop the migration of European Economic Area nationals to the UK.

Their rights, which are considered to be inalienable under EU treaties, are beyond our remit. These rights are equally applicable to British nationals living or working in EU countries.

All EU countries which signed up to the treaties have the responsibility to implement these treaties to the letter.

Any attempt to deny EU nationals these rights would constitute a breach, which might have a grave impact on trade, investment and international relations.

The UK is a vibrant, multicultural and diverse country, as reflected in the fantastically successful Olympics. This is to be celebrated, not feared.

Letter also copied to David Cameron MP.

Alfred Fullah, Judds Close, Witney