Sir – I am writing about a nasty experience last week in a cafe in Witney. After finishing our meal, I was waiting at the till to pay when I heard the staff behind the counter talking rudely about two female customers.

One of the members of staff had come rushing in, saying “have you seen the two lesbians that are sat at that table?”.

Some of the other members of staff then came out of the kitchen to have a look at the couple, who were innocently enjoying a cup of tea.

Comments then followed like “that's disgusting” and “they may as well have it stamped across their forehead”.

I was in complete shock at the time about the rude comments and it was not until I had left the cafe that it began to make me very angry.

In this day and age, I cannot believe the behaviour of grown adults and their bigoted behaviour – especially in a business where their customers are their means of existence.

K O’Connor, Beech Lane, Carterton