THREE friends went ‘live’ with a community radio broadcast as part of a teenage takeover of Bicester.

Ross Arrowsmith, Steven Fulford and Sam Issacs, all 16, welcomed live bands into their ‘studio’ – which some residents might better remember as the former Butchers in Crown Walk – on Wednesday.

Initially the group broadcast from Ross’s bedroom at his home in Green Lane, Arncot, near Bicester, but they took the show to the road as part of a week-long youth activity programme by a team called the YoBs – the Youth of Bicester.

During the week the group turned the shop into Cardboard City, and invited the public to participate in games shows, interviews, share wisdom, and make jingles.

Ross Arrowsmith said: “It was a good kickstart for the community radio station.

“We are in disucssion in having a permament place at the Courtyard.”

To listen show, visit