HISTORY is worth looking into when one compares today’s ridiculous and vengeful attack on WikiLeaks whistle blower Julian Assange.

Our politicians will always side with the elite and persecute people like Assange who, after all, let the cat out of the bag regarding torture, rendition and murder.

They always side with the bully across the pond, and historically, their support for the likes of mass murderer and dictator General Pinochet from Chile, is renowned.

One of the exceptions to the ‘special relationship’ with the USA was when socialist Clement Attlee stopped President Truman from dropping the atom bomb on Korea.

Margaret Thatcher’s Tories wore ‘terrorist’ badges with the face of Nelson Mandela.

Now these creeps cannot turn away a picture opportunity with the great man.

If these two-faced politicians who rule us on behalf of the same elite were so obviously wrong on the above issues, just possibly, they’re wrong as regards Assange, and possibly wider issues like Syria and Libya?

To see why our gutless media court and continually support these powerful people, you need to read award-winning journalist John Pilger.

To send the police into an embassy is the sort of thing Adolf Hitler would have done.

Now there is food for thought!


Millmoor Crescent
