I recently had the misfortune to view the eco-town show house in Garth Park, Bicester.

It is possibly one of the most ugly buildings that I have ever seen.

The word ecology is derived from ancient Greek and was first coined by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel in 1866.

In broad terms, ecology is the scientific study of the relations which living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment.

A more modern adaptation, however, involves councils across the land laying waste to huge swathes of natural countryside and replacing them with ugly boxes for trendy people to live in.

And what of the consciences of the vendors of the land needed in order to build these monstrosities?

Will the principles that led them to sell their farms, etc, in favour of the planet-saving eco-town, encourage them to purchase one of these most worthy abodes?

Will this exercise in moral downsizing see them proudly cruising around their new habitat in small eco-friendly vehicles, running on sustainable fuel?

Fat chance. It’s more likely that their new-found wealth will be spent on a house of equal, if not greater, proportion to the last – perhaps even something abroad, which entails not-so-green air travel, or a long road trip in a huge, gas-guzzling car.

Eco-towns are a Government/council con trick, set to line the pockets of those involved, while robbing the gullible who think that ugly equals eco and that small windows, a couple of solar panels and a compost bin will preserve the world for future generations.

Kevin Dyer Freehold Street Lower Heyford