A PARKING warden was verbally abused and assaulted by two men after he gave them a ticket in Witney.

The warden, who works for West Oxfordshire District Council , was knocked to the ground in the incident in High Street. He needed hospital treatment for minor injuries.

A 41-year-old man from Littlemore in Oxford and a 19-year-old man from Witney were later arrested in connection with the assault and released on bail until August 5.

The warden issued a penalty charge notice on a van near the Market Place.

Two men returned to the vehicle and shouted abuse at the warden before driving off.

But the driver then stopped the van, got out and walked up to the warden, before pushing him against a taxi and then to the ground. A passenger in the van was also involved.

The taxi and the warden’s camera equipment were damaged.

Pc Charlie Hayes, of Witney police, said: “There were a lot of people in the area at the time, who must have seen and heard what was happening. We’re very keen to hear from them.”

The incident happened at about 5pm on Thursday but police only released details yesterday.

Anyone with information should call Pc Hayes on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.