THREE and four-year-olds took part in a graduation ceremony – complete with gowns and mortar boards – at their Oxford nursery.

The soon-to-be school-children were graduating from the Cooperative nursery in Rose Hill yesterday.

Children were presented with scrolls and enjoyed a tea party.

Devon Sharpe, five, said: “I enjoyed wearing the red hat and eating cake.”

The ceremony was also part of celebrations for the International Year of Co-operatives designated by the United Nations, which celebrates working together and achievements in the community.

Nursery manager Jan Thorp said: “Our graduation ceremony is the highlight of our year.

“Some of the children have been with us since they were three months old so it is a big occasion and we want to wish them well in the next stage of their lives.

“The move to big school can be quite daunting. We want to make sure they leave us on a high, with a fun and memorable event.”