A FATHER on a romantic night out with his partner ended up punching a man to the floor and kicking him in the head near a kebab van.

Matthew Brain, 26, attacked student Ben Williams in St Ebbe’s Street, Oxford, on February 12.

Brain admitted assault by beating at Oxford Magistrates’ Court yesterday and was given a four-month prison sentence, suspended for a year.

Sarah McKay, prosecuting, said Brain, of Delbush Avenue, Sandhills, had got into an altercation with one of Mr Williams’ friends in the queue.

When Mr Williams, 19, intervened, Brain punched him in the face, causing him to stumble to the ground.

Brain then kicked him in the back of the head, the court heard.

Julian Richards, defending, said his client and his partner had been enjoying a night out in Oxford.

Presiding magistrate Nigel James also gave Brain a three-month 7pm-to-7am curfew and ordered him to pay £100 compensation.