ROSE Hill residents have mixed views on a plan for a £1m community hub to bring services under one roof.

Oxford City Council chief executive Peter Sloman presented the proposal for a new hub to community groups from the estate.

The centre would require a substantial investment, probably more than £1m.

The plan, at an early stage, would bring together the exisiting community centre, advice centre, a sports pavilion and social club and an early intervention centre for young people.

But Pete Wilkinson, 68, of Thames View Road and a member of the Tenants and Residents’ Association said: “It seems like they’re rushing in after years of no investment in Rose Hill, and I’m concerned as to what their reasons are.

“The plan was to spend half -a-million refurbishing it [the existing centre] with developer money, then just before Christmas they came up with the plan to build a new centre.

“In my opinion, the jury is still out.”

The new hub is likely to be built in Ashurst Way, on the site of the current Rose Hill and Donnington Advice Centre and the Scout Hut.

The current community centre site could be developed as affordable housing.

Phyllis England, 65, of the Alison and Margaret House Residents’ Association said: “We definitely could do with a new one, and the positioning is really good, because it’s more central.

“People always need more houses, but we could do with a few more shops up here.”

Part of the cost will come from the £435,000 contributed by Taylor Wimpey and Oxford Community Housing Association as part of their agreement to develop housing on the estate.

Rose Hill councillor Ed Turner said: “The council would need to agree to vary its capital programme to meet the cost. There is some contribution from Section 106 [developer cash] programme but some council finance would be necessary.

“If we could get any extra funding, that we be great.

“No-one wants a hiatus – we need the community centre and the youth club and the rest of it.”

He added: “I think there’s a big opportunity, and as a council we need to work with community action and advice centre to get a good result.

“There are some obvious issues with the existing building, because it has not had the council investment that would be desirable.

“We came up with the initial context and it’s now about doing some more intensive talking and listening.”