THE National Trust has expressed concern about the catastrophic impact the terrible summer weather is having on our native flora and fauna.
The persistent rain and cold has severely affected the ability of numerous species to successfully breed and rear young.

Insects have suffered a serious decline in numbers, and bees, moths and butterflies are particularly badly affected.

Birds are suffering from the lack of essential insect food with which to feed their young and many young birds are dying in their nests from starvation and hypothermia.

This comes on top of an already dramatic wildlife decline, as farmers and householders persist in using pesticides and herbicides and natural habitats are destroyed.

It is therefore shocking that both parish and county councils continue to ruthlessly mow down verges and open spaces in which wildflowers and grasses can thrive, away from the poisoned fields. Their machines leave just ugly, brown, bare stubble.

This is aesthetic and ecological vandalism, paid for through our council tax and it is a neglected scandal that is contributing to a potential catastrophe.
The English summers of the cuckoo, the skylark and wildflowers are something today's children have had stolen away from them. When all the bees have gone and the crops remain unpollinated, blame farmers, developers and council jobsworths for their eco-vandalism.


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Great Haseley