On Saturday, June 30, we had a very sad incident when my daughter’s little dog, Lucy, was hit by a car on the Drayton Road, and was killed.

She had escaped from someone’s garden – my daughter was visiting them – and when she realised Lucy had gone, she went looking for her but it was too late.

We were by told a lady who saw it happen that it was a black Volvo travelling towards Abingdon, between 3.30pm and 4pm. They didn’t stop.

I cannot believe that anyone could be so heartless!

The lady very kindly picked the dog up and wrapped her in a blanket and waited with my daughter while she phoned for help.

I can understand the driver probably couldn’t avoid hitting Lucy, but, at the end of the day, they should have stopped.

As you can imagine, we are all devastated.

DOROTHY MURPHY, Andersey Way, Abingdon