OXFORD EAST MP Andrew Smith called in at Ruskin College to pick up a long-lost painting on behalf of the Labour Party.

College Principal Prof Audrey Mullender invited Mr Smith to collect the portrait of playwright George Bernard Shaw, pictured, so that he could take it to Labour Party headquarters in London.

Bernard Shaw, who died in 1950, was a member of the left wing Fabian Society. The Labour Party had lost track of the painting, believed to be worth between £10,000 and £20,000 – but it has been hanging at the college’s Walton Street building for many years.

The portrait was painted in 1892 by Bertha Newcombe, and Prof Mullender only realised its significance as the college prepared for its move in September to its new site in Old Headington.

She got in touch with the Labour Party so that the painting could be restored to its owner.

Mr Smith said: “It is amazing that such a big picture got lost, but all credit to Ruskin College that they have found it, together with the note on the back that confirmed it as the property of the Labour Party.

“The portrait will, I understand be hung in Labour’s new headquarters in Westminster.”