JUST half of the Oxfordshire residents who have been offered potentially life-changing health checks in the past 12 months have taken them up.

Over the past year more than 25,000 people in the county have been written to and offered a health ‘MoT’.

But according to figures released by NHS Oxfordshire, the county’s primary care trust, only about 12,500 of them have done so.

Health officials have urged more people to take up the offer.

West Oxfordshire GP Dr Joe Santos is part of the Oxfordshire Clinical Commission Group, which oversees local healthcare.

He said: “A health check is a great opportunity to make sure that you do not have any underlyingproblems which could impact on your health. You may feel fine but an NHS Health Check could help you enjoy a longer and healthier life.”

The checks were introduced by the Department of Health as a way of preventing illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease before they become serious.

They are routinely offered every five years to people between the ages of 40 and 74.

During the check, which takes between 20 and 30 minutes, a series of questions and basic tests are carried out, including blood pressure and body mass index checks.

A health bus also visits areas where take-up of the health tests is generally low, including Cowley, Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill.

Mother-of-four Regina Asante, from Rose Hill, found out she was suffering from high blood pressure after visiting the health bus on the estate.

Ms Asante, 35, from Danvers Road, said: “I think it’s very useful having the bus visit the estate – I wouldn’t have known that there was a problem otherwise.”

Dr Santos added: ”There is absolutely no need to worry about being called in for a health check.

“The aim is to prevent illness, and a few minutes spent on your health now could add years to your life.

“If the check does highlight any potential problems, you will be offered plenty of advice and support to help you address them.”

He said: “A Health Check is an investment in your future, not to mention a chance to get some peace of mind about your health.

“If you are contacted by your GP then do not miss the opportunity to take it up.”

Over the next couple of months, GP practices across Oxfordshire will be writing to eligible patients asking them to get in touch and arrange to have the free check-up.