LORRIES using a Greater Leys road as an overnight truck stop look set to be banned this summer.

For years, residents near Grenoble Road have complained about lorries parking on the road overnight.

Last year they told the Oxford Mail drivers were “launching their rubbish into the road”, creating noise and causing a dangerous hazard.

Now Oxfordshire County Council has opened consultations on a proposal to ban lorry and coaches from parking bays along the north side of the road.

Leys and Lye county councillor Richard Stevens welcomed the move, saying residents had been raising the issue for years.

A study last November showed there was a regular nightly influx of lorries arriving on Grenoble Road after midnight.

They often left their generators on and there were complaints about rubbish strewn on the ground and bushes and alleyways being used as toilets.

Mr Stevens said: “What was important was obviously that we removed the nuisance factor for residents, but also that we made sure the lorries have somewhere to go.

“We have looked at alternatives and feel there is space on the Eastern Bypass. BMW are accommodating lorries so they don’t have to park on Grenoble Road.

“It should not take too long now the consultation is under way. We are nearly there.”

The plans would clarify the ‘no waiting at any time’ signs along both sides of Grenoble Road and restrict lorries and HGVs from the current parking areas.

Further details on the plans are available at County Hall, New Road, or the Blackbird Leys Library. Any representations need to be made to the county council by July 19.