OXFORD’s leisure centres have seen a huge surge in people using them, and they are costing the taxpayer less to run.

The overall number of visits each year has gone up by more than 300,000 to 1.15m across the city’s seven leisure centres – a rise of nearly 30 per cent.

The rise has happened since the city council passed over the running of the centres to the not-for-profit organisation Fusion Lifestyle. Its contract will save the tax payer £7m over 10 year, and potentially more if it is extended for another five years.

The seven centres are Barton Leisure Centre, Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre, Blackbird Leys Swimming Pool, Ferry Leisure Centre, Hinksey Outdoor Pool, Oxford Ice Rink and Temple Cowley Pool.

Four of the centres have seen year on year increases since Fusion took over in 2009.

The exceptions are Blackbird Leys pool, Oxford Ice Rink and Temple Cowley Pool. Blackbird Leys Pool has seen the sharpest drop in usage, falling by 25 per cent.

Before the transfer the council was spending £2.14 per user on its leisure centres – now it only spends 68p.

City councillor Van Coulter, board member for leisure services, said every penny of the savings was being reinvested back into leisure centres.

He said: “The contract with Fusion Lifestyle has worked well, in the past three years and we have improved, expanded and refurbished seven facilities and we are continuing that programme.

“The staff have done a remarkable job in turning round this service and it is now on its way to becoming exemplary.”

The council has invested in the re-lining of Hinksey Outdoor Pool, a 100-station fitness suite at Ferry Leisure Centre and a dedicated cycle studio at Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre. It has not provided figures detailing how much hasbeen had been invested in each project.

In the coming months there will also be improvements to the cafe, meeting rooms and reception at Oxford Ice Rink as well as a revamp of the reception and foyer at Ferry Leisure Centre.

Fusion marketing manager Steve Lee said: “The results have been due to a good working relationship between Fusion Lifestyle and the council.

“Service levels and customer satisfaction have all shown big improvements.

“Centre presentation has also improved though regular checks on cleanliness and internal decoration.

“The result has been a much more welcoming environment in which people from all walks of life feel comfortable.”

A council report which assesses tFusion’s performance said: “The leisure management contract has continued to perform well.

“Customer satisfaction has continued to increase.”

The report is due to be discussed at the city council’s value and performance scrutiny committee on Monday.

It is being held at 6pm in Town Hall and is open to the public.