Like many millions of people over the world, I too was very happy when Aung San Suu Kyi was not only freed from almost a lifetime of political imprisonment, but was going to visit this great city of Oxford, which held so many memories for her.

In the apparent absence of her proposed itinerary being published, and desperately wishing to see and greet this great lady, I emailed “Customer Service” at Oxford City Council for further information.

Now it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of expectation to imagine that such official and non-confidential details would be known to someone in the council, considering that there would be essential arrangements to be made.

To their credit an automated reply arrived some days later to inform me that my request would be forwarded to the relevant department for response.

Thereafter... silence, and not a peep since.

Regretfully, the impression I have is that perhaps the “relevant department” was preoccupied in maintaining the council’s reputation for high rates of sickness absence and there was no one to deal with the simple request.

I am old enough to remember when doing your best at your job was the norm and one had to be pretty ill to take time off. There was a pride in giving your all.

God help this great country.

Colin F Castling The Copse