I think it’s an absolute disgrace that Oxford City Council appears to have decided that being homeless is in most cases the people’s own fault (Oxford Mail, June 8).

Here’s me thinking that it was only the Government who have their heads buried in the sand and can’t see the wood for the trees.

Well done, Adrian Taylor for highlighting this issue and that of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust’s insult to the League of Friends’ charity (ViewPoints, May 28, June 6, 11 and 12)).

The great of Great Britain is sadly being eroded. Those of use who are old enough have witnessed the best times in this country – the decades after the Second World War when austerity had gone, up to the end of last century.

This country is becoming over-populated and there appears to be more taking from the system than are putting back in.

Unemployment is still rising, prices keep on rising, people are having to manage on less money, those who are working that is.

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford