THERE are major improvements planned at a park on Oxford’s biggest estate.

If a bid for £75,000 is successful, Blackbird Leys Park could soon be home to new footpaths, picnic areas and an outdoor gym.

It would coincide with a major refurbishment of the Pegasus Road play area, where work will start later this summer.

Last night, Blackbird Leys Parish Council chairman Gordon Roper said: “This is good for the area and brilliant for all the residents.

“The park wants modernising. With the picnic area, I think it will be first class.”

He added: “The park is acceptable – it is a reasonable to good park, but it needs upgrading. I think it will be one of the finest in the area.”

Environmental charity Groundwork Thames Valley has bid for money to undertake the scheme from WREN, an organisation which awards grants to community projects from the Landfill Communities Fund. It has applied for the money on behalf of Oxford City Council, which has promised to add an extra £15,000 of funding if the project wins approval, Now all that’s need is public support to demonstrate how much the revamp is needed.

Once comments have been made to Groundwork Thames Valley, they will be sent to WREN which is expected to make a decision on the funding later this summer.

Planned improvements at the park include a fitness trail round the park, with outdoor gym stations, extra tree planting and habitat creation.

Robert Tilley from Groundwork said: “It is a very exciting scheme that we think would make a big difference to people enjoying the park.”

A £130,000 improvement scheme at a play area in Pegasus Road Park is set to begin later this summer.

It was delayed by months after residents submitted a town green application to block the building of a new swimming pool near the park.

That was thrown out by Oxfordshire County Council in March.

A skate park is also being built at Frys Hill Park in Greater Leys and is subject to a separate bid for WREN money to improve the area.

Mr Tilley added: “Now we would like to show that this has the community backing and to hear what people have to say about the plans.”

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