CHILDREN living on Osney Island in Oxford had their own heated swimming pool, even in the 1940s.

The nearby electricity sub-station pumped warm water into the Thames, making it an attractive spot for youngsters.

John Gaisford, who lived in Bridge Street, Osney, writes in his memoirs: “Every day in the summer, hordes of us would be in and out of the river from Botley Road to the Waterman’s Arms.

“We had our own diving board opposite the Waterman’s and everyone was soon expert. We often swam under the outlets and appeared in the electricity sub-station until we got told off.”

Life at Osney was not without its dangers – Mr Gaisford was twice pulled out of the river by friends after mishaps. Osney youngsters made great use of the nearby Tumbling Bay outdoor swimming pool.

Mr Gaisford, of Springfield Road, Botley, recalls: “We were ferried across from the bridge on the opposite bank. Outside school hours, we spent many happy hours there.”

His first school was West Oxford Primary School in Ferry Hinksey Road.

“It was a short trip for us Osney boys as we only had to nip into West Street, up Swan Street, over the bridge and we were there.

“But we never passed Mrs Organ’s shop without getting something to eat on the way there and on the way home. Lyons’ ice cream was only twopence for a little block.

“One abiding memory from school was the lovely hot half bottle of milk we enjoyed at morning break.

“We shoved the crate of milk around the fire when we got to school.

“During the war, you were not allowed to go anywhere, even school, without your gas mask.

“The school playing field in Ferry Hinksey Road housed the air raid shelters – damp places that stank of cement, but came in handy when the air raid siren sounded.

“Every worn-out saucepan or anything made of aluminium was snapped up to make munitions for the war effort, along with iron railings.

“Later, during the big freeze of 1947, I remember pushing an old pram or cart to the old gasworks to join the queue to get coke for the fire.”

More of John Gaisford’s memories soon.