THE man behind an 18-year harassment campaign against his neighbours has been told by a judge “sell your house or go to prison”.

Keith Quartermain, left, who has used a ‘laughing machine’ and hundreds of abusive signs to torment residents, appeared at Oxford Crown Court for sentencing yesterday. But the 67-year-old was given one last chance to avoid jail, providing he leaves the area.

Quartermain has repeatedly breached a restraining order preventing him from abusing his neighbours David Quick and Catherine Fillier.

Judge Gordon Risius was due to deal with Quartermain for incidents that took place in November, but he deferred the sentence until December to allow a chance for the house, in Austin Place, Abingdon, to be sold.

He said: “The time has regrettably come for an immediate custodial sentence, but I note that he plans to sell his house and it strikes me that might be desirable in everyone's interest."

Addressing Quartermain, he added: "Whether or not you have changed your address by then, I still have an immediate prison sentence in mind for you, but I will of course take into account any developments that have taken place over the next five and a half months."

Prosecutor Rachel Drake said Quartermain's abuse of his neighbours began in 1994 when he made nuisance phone calls to Mrs Fillier.

In 1997 he assaulted Mr Quick before going on to commit offences of harassment in 2003 and 2009, interposed with breaches of a restraining order.

He was convicted of his latest offences after a trial in May.

Tony McGeorge, defending, said his client's house is on the market and had already attracted interest.

He said: "Mr Quartermain would welcome the opportunity to engage in mediation with them (the neighbours) but hopefully as soon as a sale has gone through the parties will be apart."

Speaking outside court after the hearing, Mr Quick said: "We'll see, it's a wait-and-see situation."

Mrs Fillier added: "He says that (he will sell his house) every time we go to court."

Quartermain, who it was said hopes to relocate to Christchurch in Dorset , remains subject to a restraining order and will return to court on December 7.