CHAIRS and a pot plant were thrown as three men took part in a lunchtime brawl at an Oxford chip shop.

Tobias Bruce and brothers Gunesh and Ashim Sukriev were involved in the confrontation at Posh Fish in Headington on January 18, 2011.

The incident involved a disagreement between the trio and an unknown man, Oxford Crown Court heard on Thursday.

Prosecutor Nikki Duncan said 20-year-old Bruce punched the man and Gunesh Sukriev, 19, threw a chair.

After leaving the scene, the trio chased the man, with Gunesh Sukriev and Bruce wielding sticks.

Ashim Sukriev, 18, admitted a public order offence and possession of cannabis. The other two admitted affray.

Gunesh Sukriev, who featured in our Badvent calendar, was also sentenced for dangerous driving and robbery. He sped away from officers on the wrong side of Abingdon Road, Oxford, on July 24, 2010, and almost a year later on July 23, 2011, robbed a man of his phone.

Gunesh Sukriev, originally from Cowley but now of Nuneaton, who has 20 previous convictions, sent to a young offenders’ institution. for four years.

Bruce, of Windmill Road, Headington, who has 24 previous convictions, was jailed for eight months.

Ashim Sukriev, of Salesian Gardens, Cowley, who has 19 previous offences, was given a four-month youth rehabilitation order with four months’ supervision.