Two people fell down the same manhole within days of each other, prompting anger that it has still not been properly repaired.

Four-year-old Judyta Kucinska was skipping across grass near Merton Walk, Churchill Road, Bicester, when the manhole cover collapsed beneath her.

The terrified youngster fell into the hole, which was about 3ft deep, and scraped her stomach and knee.

Her mother Aneta, 33, of Keble Road, said the incident on June 4 left her and her daughter shaken.

Her shock turned to anger when she learned the dangerous manhole cover had already been reported. Diane Savins, of Merton Walk, had suffered a similar fall a few days earlier and had contacted Oxfordshire County Council’s highways department twice.

The council said officers went to the site straight away to put cones on the cover and later a barrier.

They also contacted Thames Water, which has responsibility for it.

Mrs Savins, 59, said: “The manhole is dangerous for children or vulnerable people.

“I saw the little girl fall down the manhole and ran out to help.

“The little girl was traumatised. Seeing her so upset broke my heart.”

Hairdresser Mrs Kucinska said: “I tried to put on a brave face for her so as not to make it worse.

“But I couldn’t calm her down for a few hours afterwards and she was shaking. When she stopped crying she couldn’t stand up straight.

“She stayed on the sofa all day that day, but the next day she started to play but didn’t run or do sudden movements.

“My daughter is lucky not to have suffered any major physical injury.

“Another person or child could have fallen down the manhole.

“It should have been fixed straight away.

“It’s on Churchill Road and every day hundreds of people walk along there to school or nursery.”

A Thames Water spokesman said: “We’re really sorry for the hazard caused by this broken manhole cover.

“As soon as we were made aware of the issue we went out immediately to put on a temporary cover.

“We’ll be going back next week to fit a permanent replacement.”