WITH regard to the dial-a-ride issue, we are grateful to councillor Jean Fooks (Wednesday’s ViewPoints) for researching information concerning government grants to councils which would probably not have been available to the average person.

It is a pity that she also saw it as an opportunity for political point-scoring, as it is felt that this is the root of the whole problem when the city council learned that the Conservative-run county council would be responsible for administering the whole operation.

At the moment in this country we have a coalition government and it would be refreshing if local councils could also form an all- party coalition on matters that transcend the norm, as this one does, as it relates to the most vulnerable in our society without feuding and fighting among themselves.

Now that the city council has admitted it misjudged the situation, those affected are hoping the funding for the second minibus will be provided freely and voluntarily at an early date, without any further pressure or coercion being needed.

JOHN MACKIE, Chairman, Oxfordshire Pensioners Action Group