IN time-honoured fashion, Abingdon’s new mock mayor is carried through the streets.

Roger Cox was re-elected for the sixth year running as The Mayor of Ock Street, and also the Squire of Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers.

Mr Cox beat rivals Dave Beaver and his son Rob, and Harry Knight, by winning 93 of the 200 votes cast.

His role, which dates back to 1700, allows him to be as rude as he likes and report any problems within Ock Street to the real Abingdon Town Mayor Monica Lovatt.

On Friday, Morris dancers delivered ballot papers to all Ock Street residents, who then voted on Saturday.

After the result was announced Mr Cox, 63, was carried in a decorated chair, which sits on two scaffold poles, along Ock Street.

Mr Cox said: “I am very pleased to be re-elected. It’s a great feeling after it’s all finished to be lifted up and carried along the street.”

Organiser Tony Legge, the bagman of the Abingdon Morris group, said: “The mock mayor is supposed to keep the civic mayor in order in a way the court jester used to with the king.

“People who live in Ock Street got to vote. We count the vote at 4pm on Saturday. A church minister turns up to watch and make sure it’s honest.”

Then follows huge celebrations with dancing by Abingdon Morris dancers along with guest dancers from Winster Morris Men, based in Derbyshire, and the Vale Irelanders, who performed 17th Century dances, and supper in the Long Gallery at the 14th Century Old Abbey building.