LOUD and proud, Oxford’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community took to the city’s streets to celebrate their sexuality.

A rainbow wave of banners and flags swept through Cornmarket Street and on to Oxpens Fields after parading along Queen Street and Paradise Street.

Human rights campaigner and gay activist Peter Tatchell joined musicians, students and supporters taking part in the Oxford Pride march on Saturday.

The event was the highlight of the Oxford Pride festival, celebrating its 10th anniversary, promoting equal rights and support for those in the city’s LGBT community.

Dave Baxter, 68, from Littlemore, front right, had put together a colourful suit of rainbow colours to mark the occasion.

He said: “It feels lovely to take part. I’ve never been at odds with my sexuality but it is nice when everyone gets together, it feels like a family.”

His partner Dennis Hambridge, 56, front left, said: “There is magnificent support for today.”