SO COUNCILLOR John Tanner is concerned about graffiti on the Olympic Torch route in Oxford (Oxford Mail, June 7, right).

I doubt people will even notice it – they will be looking at the Torch carriers.

But what Mr Tanner should really be worrying about when it comes to creating a cleaner Oxford is the wheelie bins continually left out on the pavements.

In Iffley Road, between Henley Street and Bullingdon Road, some are now left continually not just on the pavement but even on the cycle lane in the road itself.

Two have been there for the past month. This is not even to mention the stench of overflowing bins, where students especially cannot be bothered to sort out what should be in the recycling bin.

Some days the stink is so bad, it will probably cause the Torch bearer to pass out.

More importantly, residents have to live with it.

I have written to Mr Tanner several times about this but so far have seen no action.

It needs the stick, not the carrot.

PAMELA WEBBER, Bullingdon Road, Oxford