THE Government’s decision not to back Oxfordshire County Council’s plan for the £20m Cogges Link Road will split opinion.

Opponents will rejoice, but those who sit in the traffic may have a different view.

And it should prompt a full and frank post mortem inquiry at County Hall to learn some valuable, albeit very costly, lessons.

But county leader Ian Hudspeth is correct to bring attention back to the original issue.

This scheme, and the alternative Shores Green option, were drawn up to tackle traffic congestion and pollution in the town centre.

That issue remains and must be addressed.

However, transport planners must consider wide ranging factors as they plot their next move, not least the fact the town has, and will, change dramatically during the planning and building phase of whatever option is decided upon. The cost of any solution must be balanced against the length of time it will remain effective for.

As Mr Hudspeth says the issue of traffic is not going away. County Hall must start work on its plan B now.