Little Charlotte Nott loves nothing more than a cuddle with her new baby sister.

Despite losing the lower sections of her arms and legs to meningitis, the four-year-old is taking her new role as big sister to five-month-old Libby extremely seriously.

According to mother Jenny Daniels, Charlotte – who has had to learn to walk and play with her toys again – is always fussing over the newest addition to the family.

Ms Daniels said: “Charlotte loves playing with her little sister Libby, and brother George, who is two now.

“They are both always trying to fuss Libby and play together.”

Brave Charlotte was struck down with an aggressive form of meningitis at Christmas 2010.

In a desperate bid to save her life, doctors were forced to amputate the lower sections of her ams and legs to stop the deadly disease from spreading.

But within months the tough little girl, from Brasenose Driftway, had taught herself to crawl, to draw with her mouth and to play with her favourite games again.

Charlotte has prosthetic limbs provided by the NHS, but her family has launched an appeal to raise as much money as they can to make her future as bright as possible,.

They hope to one day soon be able to buy Charlotte custom-built prosthetic limbs which they hope will be more comfortable for her.

Waitrose in Headington is using its green coin scheme to sponsor Charlotte’s charity.

The scheme sees shoppers given a green token to put in a charity box of their choice, and Waitrose makes a contribution.

The next fundraiser for the family is a family ‘Ladybird’-themed picnic on Sunday, June 24, at Shotover Country Park.

Ms Daniels said: “Charlotte has had a few infections recently and has been in and out of hospital for further operations. She gets upset about not being as tall as some of her friends, but she has been very brave.

Ms Daniels added: “We are grateful for what the NHS has provided, but now we want to raise as much as possible for Charlotte’s future, over and above what the NHS can offer.”

The picnic will include a raffle, tombola, face painting, and a scavenger hunt.

There will also be fancy dress competition for the best dressed ladybird.

Ms Daniels said all families are welcome to join the day.

To join the picnic, email