SO OXFORDSHIRE doctors will be among those taking the first industrial action by GPs in almost 40 years.

Which is all well and good but it might be nice if the public – their ‘customers’ so to speak – could be kept a little better informed about just what this will mean in practice.

Especially since falling ill never equips the brain to operate at its maximum capacity, and for many people just trying to communicate their health concerns to a GP’s receptionist is taxing enough.

Add to this ordeal the purgatory of having to contact work and most of us are already on course for a relapse.

Which is why it is vital the public be kept clearly primed and posted about any proposed contingency plans the Government might have for dealing with this crisis, especially with regards to those sections of our society most at risk – the elderly, disabled and anyone with children.

After all, one assumes the GPs action is meant only to hurt the Government rather than their patients.