A POLICE support officer kayaked 100 miles on the River Thames to raise money for charity.

Pcso Jon Morley travelled from Oxford to Teddington to collect £650 for Asthma UK.

Mr Morley decided to support the charity as his mother Beverley Morley has severe asthma.

The challenge took Mr Morley and friend Tom Fisher three days from June 4 to June 6.

The dates were picked to coincide with Mrs Morley’s 50th birthday on June 3.

Mr Morley, 26, said: ‘Since I was little I’ve seen my mum have bad asthma attacks.

“When she has them I feel powerless and feel that I can’t do anything to help. When I was growing up it really affected me when she was ill and had to spend a lot of time in hospital because of her asthma.”

He added: “We chose to kayak from Oxford to Teddington because we wanted an endurance challenge.

“We did some test runs beforehand but nothing compared to the second day when we kayaked for 36 miles in the wind and rain which was horrendous.

“Once I got to the 28-mile mark every single muscle ached, my lungs were burning and my body wanted to shut down and go to sleep.

“That was the hardest thing about the challenge.”