SEVENTY-ONE-year-old Barbara Sandford deserves sympathy for the injuries she sustained by being knocked over in the High Street by a careless cyclist (Wednesday’s Oxford Mail).

However, the city council is considering 57 proposed traffic “improvements”, which include “relaxing restrictions on daytime cycling in Queen Street” and introducing two-way cycling in 25 one-way streets.

The council is ignoring the importance of separating cyclists from pedestrians and other traffic, for the safety of everyone.

Why do they think pavements were built, except to keep pedestrians separate from traffic?

It is a recipe for disaster to allow cyclists to use areas where they were previously forbidden.

We all know that some cyclists already cycle illegally on pavements.

Increasing the number of places where they are allowed to cycle among pedestrians and other traffic will only encourage them to expand their dangerous habits.

Tony Augarde Carlton Road Oxford