Longer drinking hours only serve to divide residents and students, it has been claimed as extended opening at a Cowley Road music venue was turned down.

On Wednesday, Oxford city councillors threw out plans for the O2 Academy to remain open longer on certain days. Thames Valley Police had raised no objection.

Ed Chipperfield, of East Oxford Residents’ Association, welcomed the decision.

He said: “Problem drinking makes East Oxford a no-go area, and residents are already suffering from a siege mentality. It fosters a ‘them and us’ attitude between residents and students.”

Labour county councillor for East Oxford Saj Malik spoke on behalf of concerned residents at the meeting. He said afterwards: “This is a very well deserved victory for the residents of East Oxford who are still suffering from late night binge drinking.

“Cowley Road has serious issues to address and I am very disappointed with Thames Valley Police.”

The plans would have meant that the venue, which holds up to 1,350 people, would be able to stay open for an extra four hours until 4am on Bank Holiday Sundays and open an hour earlier at 6pm every day except Sunday.

Owners also wanted the venue to stay open until 6am on May 1 for May Morning celebrations.

Throwing out the proposal, city councillor Colin Cook said: “We have a duty to reduce the amount of crime and it is well recognised that there is a strong correlation between alchohol and crime.”

City councillors went against their officers’ recommendations in refusing permission at the west area planning committee because of concerns about community safety, crime and noise.

Last night Academy Music Group could not confirm whether they were planning to appeal the decision.

Spokesman Louise Kovacs said: “Academy Music Group is currently reviewing all available options and has no further comment at this point in time.”