Sir – We read with great dismay Brian Wilson’s letter which attacked the League of Friends and their volunteers (Letters, May 31).

Mr Wilson obviously has a dismal view of volunteering and likes to visualise everything in terms of simple economic equations. Fortunately, for us, the world is not as depressing and dire as Mr Wilson would have us believe.

The League of Friends is a fantastic organisation which does a massive amount of good in many ways; not only do they amicably provide excellent good value food and drink for patients and their families and friends, but they also generate a massive amount of revenue that goes towards buying equipment and running vital hospital services, and much, much more, including the benefits to the selfless volunteers in terms of their social contact and interactions.

The decision of the hospital trust to charge the League an annual £25,000 rent is both short-sighted and greedy.

It is symptomatic of Mr Wilson’s, and many a politician’s naïve view of the world in which complex social benefits are ignored as they cannot be easily plugged into simplistic economic formulae.

Benjamin Dean and Katherine Dean, Littlemore