Sir – I would like to reply to your article about the proposed housing off Grenoble Road. I think the leader of South Oxfordshire District Council, Ann Ducker, must be living in a different world if she thinks that there is no proof about the need for more homes.

The housing shortage in and around Oxford is absolutely desperate.

The site off Grenoble Road has all the facilities in place. If you try to build next to villages, the complaint is it will make the village too big. If you try to build on land on the edge of Green Belt, it will be an urbanised mass.

Sooner or later we will have to build on Green Belt land to accommodate the growing number of people in this country.

What does Ann Ducker propose to do with the 6,000 people on the waiting list at Oxford City Council and the young generation born and bred in Oxford who have no chance of affordable accommodation?

E. Bradbury (Mrs), Kennington