Sir – Re: Appropriate sites (Letters, May 31). Peter Collins, chairman of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, seeks to encourage the building of 2,500 houses at the former Grove airfield. Just because it’s an old airfield that makes it all right does it? Has he any idea what will happen without the proper transport infrastructure in place.

There is going to be a massive increase in traffic using the A338 with no plans in place to improve it and indeed other busy local roads such as the Steventon Road.

The developers’ transport assessments recommend traffic lights at the A338/Steventon Road junction and indeed forecast long traffic queues. That seems to be their only solution.

People are to be encouraged to walk, to cycle, to car share. Get real — how many people walk to work, who dares cycle the A338 and how many car share?

What he doesn’t realise perhaps is that another 1,000+ houses are planned for Grove. Without proper infrastructure assessed, agreed and more importantly the finance in place, including the reopening of the former Grove Station, the peace of this part of the Vale including the Hanney villages, Denchworth and Charney Bassett will be shattered.

Bob Wilson, East Hanney