IT IS the last opportunity for Oxfordshire primary schools to be in with a chance to win a £7,500 makeover.

The deadline for schools to put themselves forward for our School Build SOS competition is tomorrow.

For the fourth year running, the Oxford Mail has teamed up with Abingdon-based construction company Leadbitter to offer one school improvements worth thousands of pounds.

Applications so far from all over the county have proposed outdoor classrooms, sensory gardens, trim trails and reading houses.

Leadbitter operations director Ian Batchelor said: “We need everyone to join in and try to be a part of the competition to get something credible and something beneficial for their school.

“This could be a sustainable legacy project for them.”

Once all the applications are in, a team of judges from the Oxford Mail and Leadbitter will pick 10 finalists to go forward for the competition.

Mr Batchelor said: “We are excited to review the proposal and see what challenging projects they have come up with.

“When there is a winner, we will sit down with them and work through their ideas in an informal workshop so we actually get the build they want.”

Last year St Christopher’s Primary School, Cowley, won an outdoor classroom.

North Kidlington Primary School was our first winner, receiving a bird hide, while runners up Eynsham Primary School got new swimming pool changing rooms.

On Monday, June 25, finalists will be featured in the Oxford Mail and a special token will be published.

Each of the different proposals will be detailed in articles running over the following two weeks. Tokens will be printed alongside each story, and it is then down to each school and its supporters to collect as many tokens as possible.

They will be weighted so that small schools have an equal chance to compete alongside larger organisations.

Once all the tokens are counted up, the winner will be announced in July, with the work due to be carried out during the summer holidays.

To enter, complete the attached form and send it, together with details of your planned project, to School Build SOS Campaign, Oxford Mail, Osney Mead, OX2 0EJ.