I have just returned from a trip to the Ardley recycling centre.

On putting some metal in the recycling skip I noticed what looked like a brand new wheelchair.

My elderly mother is confined to a wheelchair and this looked to be in infinitely better condition than the one she currently uses. I asked the operative if I could have it.

He quite properly pointed to a sign saying that once in the skip it becomes the property of Oxfordshire County Council.

So I rang the council when I got home and was told that there were no exceptions to their rule and the metal could probably be used to make another wheelchair I ask you – I think the council has lost sight of the true meaning of recycling in their bid to boost figures.

Surely there has to be some leeway for common sense?

I would willingly have paid something for the wheelchair.

Not all that long ago reusable items were put aside and sold. I am still using a water butt that I got for £1 to water my garden in these times of drought.

What a rubbish policy.

FRANK BUSBY Broadway Kidlington