When I picked up my Oxford Mail on Friday, I was so pleased to see a lovely photo of Icolyn Smith and thought “yes” this wonderful lady has got another award for her kindness and devotion to the homeless, but no.

This lady has given her services voluntarily for many, many years.

Icolyn has been a friend to many when they are in need, a good listener, giving sound advice, a trusted friend and a shoulder to lean on.

Many homeless people have no families and Icolyn is their nearest confidante.

Why oh why can Oxford City Council not see this lady is an asset in every way and give her the £8,000 to help her kitchen?

I know we have cutbacks everywhere but these people really need this lady’s support and they trust her.

After all, if Icolyn were in a salaried position, her fees would be a lot higher than £8,000.

She is cook/councillor/adviser – the list goes on. This wonderful lady also pays rent for the use of the Asian cultural Centre.

Please Oxford Council reconsider and help Icolyn and those she helps.

I know Icolyn is prepared to struggle, though she is 81 years old and this should not be the case – show a little compassion and give £8,000 to help keep the kitchen open.

PATRICIA PENDEN WHITE Peat Moors Headington Oxford