These smartly dressed men were heading for a day out by charabanc.

Leaving their wives behind, they were looking forward to a day somewhere in the countryside.

We don’t know the date or their destination, but everyone looked in happy mood as they posed for the cameraman outside the White Hart pub at Wolvercote, Oxford.

The picture comes from Val Faulkner, of Raymond Road, Bicester, who grew up in Wolvercote and would like Memory Lane readers to tell her more about the photograph.

She writes: “Why are some wearing buttonholes, and why aren’t any women present?

“Eight young men are bare-headed, 13 men are wearing flat cloth caps, five have boaters and there are some trilby hats and a bowler. Why the assortment?”

She and friends have managed to identify some of the party.

Mr H Lines, of 2 Mill Road, Wolvercote, is standing outside the vehicle on the road.

“We think the young man in a pale-coloured cap and open-necked white shirt in the centre is Peter or Simeon Savage.

“Next to him, holding a pipe, is probably Harry Hastings, landlord of the White Hart.

“The man in the cap sitting in the charabanc furthest left is possibly the other Savage brother, Peter or Simeon.”

Can anyone tell us more?