How dare George Osborne (Oxford Mail, June 11) try to blame the Euro crisis for Britain’s economic ills?

It is the Tory and Lib Dem budgets which have pushed this country back into recession again.

Not long ago, David Cameron’s mates were jumping up and down with delight at the prospect of an end to the Euro currency.

Now they realise, too late, that the Euro area buys half of Britain’s exports.

But standing on the sidelines and shouting at other countries will help nobody George Osborne should start by putting some growth back in UK jobs and business.

We need a financial transaction tax on the City of London to pay for huge investment in a new low carbon Britain.

The bankers got us into this mess and the bankers should help get us out.

JOHN TANNER (Labour Cllr), Board Member for a Cleaner, Greener Oxford, City Councillor for Littlemore & County Councillor for Isis