I have never been quite as angry in all my life as I was when reading your front page story (Oxford Mail, June 8, You’re not helping).

What exactly does Louisa Dean know about homelessness? I was the manager at the Bridge hostel a few years ago catering for the homeless 16- to 25-year-olds. I can assure her and Oxford City Council that having one warm meal a week does not encourage homelessness. How narrow-minded these people are to come out with such ridiculous statements.

Ma Smith, who is an absolute one-off gorgeous person, not only gives this meal, she also gives her time and manages to get homeless people to believe in themselves and regain their self-respect.

I wonder what the secret millionaire and the Queen – who presented her with her MBE – would think of this narrow-minded city council.

Ma never asks for thanks, she quietly carries on giving a precious service with no thought to herself and all she gets from our city council is a smack in the teeth.

Shame on you, councillors. I hope none of you ever become homeless. It’s a very narrow line we tread. Perhaps their next move will be to close all the homeless shelters as well.

MAGGIE BROWN, Walters Row, Morrell Avenue, Oxford